Sunday, October 5, 2008

Poinciana Plaza Needs TLC

I would not miss the meeting, and keep up the good work. I do not want a "Boca" atmosphere in Poinciana Plaza. I love the way it looks now..just needs to be paved, and some TLC. People need to realize what they are giving up when they sign on the dotted line. Our town and the charm of the town is based in the style of the architecture. I love the feeling on Sunday morning when we go in to Testa's for breakfast and sit in the pine booths...and now that may go, too. These things are part of the tradition in the town that makes it so unique. I can remember the original dance floor at Taboo, and the charm of Chuck and Harolds. I have attended plays at the Poinciana Theater, and it was great to have it. I can't even imagine that everyone doesn't "get it". If we don't stop taking things away from the charm of the town, we will regret it, so keep going, and Mike and I will continue to support you.

Pam Bove
Palm Beach, Florida

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